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View details on PVMS 8th Grade Continuation
Why choose PVMS?
In partnership with our families and the community, Prairie View Middle School empowers every student today to take control of their future tomorrow.
Performance and Goals: Driven by Data
We regularly review data with students and teachers to gauge performance. We have witnessed firsthand that sharing and discussing data with students results in increased academic performance because it helps them understand what they are doing well and where they can improve.
Putting Knowledge into Practice
Every day our students are assigned tasks related to concepts taught in class. The workshop model of our classrooms allows them the opportunity to put into practice what they’ve been taught while collaborating with their classmates in an engaging way that brings those concepts to life.
Students Share Ideas for School Decisions
We make it easy for our students to speak up. From quarterly student panels that provide feedback to school leaders to monthly student perception surveys, input from our students is used by our teachers to help them understand what’s working in their classrooms and where there is room for growth.